EGM Results

An EGM was held last Sunday (15th April) to elect the remainder of next year’s committee. Which means it’s minutes time!

The outgoing Conpulsion Coordinator gave a brief report on this year’s event, stating it had received good feedback all round.

Electing Committee
Webmaster: Alan Jackson
Social Secretary: Matthew Knighton
Conpulsion Liason: Phil Harris
Nationals Coordinator: Sam MacAdam

Other business
The Treasurer wished it to be raised that his timetable for next year was going to be particularly busy, and that if another student wanted to take over the position he was willing to step down. Noone wished to fully take the role, but offer was made of help handling some duties if the Treasurer found himself too busy to discharge them all.

AGM 2012

Another year, another AGM! This time round, the AGM was held on April 1st 2012. And here’s the minutes:

The new constitution was discussed, the most prominent changes were stated and debated. The point was raised that the new conpulsion committee as proposed by the new constitution would be less flexible and not possible to uphold in the event of there not being enough people to fill all posts. An amendment to allow the AGM to choose an organizer in absence of an organized committee was proposed:

If no Conpulsion committee is available at the time of the AGM, a Conpulsion organizer may be elected at the AGM with the task to produce such a committee as soon as possible.

Voting on the new constitution: Passed unanimously
Voting on the new amendment: Passed unanimously

Electing new committee
President: Malin Sandell
Treasurer: Erich Essman
Secretary: Euan Reid
Librarian: Malin Sandell

The election of Webmaster, Social Secretary and Nationals Organizer was postphoned until the EGM following Conpulsion (to be elected together with the Conpulsion organizer).

Other business
It was clarified that the secretary is in charge of dealing with EUSA in general.
Old committee was thanked and relieved of responsibility.